1. Introduction

This document defines the FDS technical specifications. FDS provides a standard interface between software applications that consume information related to the life and operation of facilities and the provider of this information.

1.1. Audience

The technical specifications are targeted toward application layer software developers focusing on B2B applications and who are familiar with web-based or socket-based communication protocols such as

  • Web API

  • Message Queues

The document can be read from the data provider side (developers who implement web servers or publish to message queues) or from the data consumer side (developers who implement client applications or subscribe to message queues).

1.2. content

The document provides all the resources necessary for the software developer to be compliant to the standard. This includes:

  • The communication models that provide the high level architecture, the rules, and conventions to implement the specifications

  • A dictionary that provides the definition of the terms used in this document and the properties defined in the object model. Property definitions also provide the description of the data contained in the property, such as the type, unit, and boundaries.

  • A set of use cases that provide the context in which the specifications apply

  • The detailed API and object model

1.3. How to read the document

It is strongly recommended to start with the communication models to get familiar with the functionalities available throughout the specifications. Then, the document is activity centric:

  • if you are a device manufacturer, navigate to the type of devices you provide to get the detailed specification of the information to expose

  • if you are consuming device information navigate to each type of device you are working with to get the detailed specification on how to access the information

  • if you are providing information about the structure of a facility, navigate to the facility infrastructure to get the detailed specification on how to expose the description of the facility

  • if you are consuming information about the facility, navigate to the facility infrastructure to get the detailed specification on how to access the information

  • if you need to specify where a device is located in a facility, navigate to the facility infrastructure to get detailed specification on how to link a device and the facility

1.4. Examples and use cases


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