
Object Model
The structured and human-readable description of the information being exchanged between the information provider and consumer.

The information about this soap dispenser is described in the object model of dispenser devices

The semantic description of a piece of information.

The device_type property for the soap dispenser is ‘dispenser’

Value type
The JSON data representation of the information contained in the property. Note that the value of a property can also be an object.

The value type of the device_type property is a string

A logical grouping of properties

the geolocation object contains the longitude and latitude properties

A digital set of information linked together and identified by an ID. In this context, an item can be a device, a space, a tag, or a message

We know this is a device item because it is represented by a device ID


The manufacturer ‘s commercial name of a device

Clean Inc. introduced a new model in its scrubber family: the S200

Serial Number
A series of characters assigned by a manufacturer that uniquely identify a device specifically for this manufacturer

The serial number of this S200 machine is S200-112

Production Date
The date the device ID has been assigned by the manufacturer

The device was produced and entered in the manufacturer ‘s database as a production date of June 3rd, 2019

Registration Date
The date the device is assigned to and can be accessed by a resource owner

The customer bought the device on September 10th, 2019 which is also the registration date for accessing this device’s data

Last Contact
The date and time the device has last established a communication with the system

The last contact with the device was as planned at 23:30 yesterday

Start Connectivity Date
The date a device has sent the first communication

The start connectivity date was 2 months after the registration date

Statistic Date Range
The date-time range specified by the user between which the user is requesting statistic information about devices

The supervisor would like to know how the device was used during the statistic date range between 7:00 and 17:00 last Monday

Aggregation Start Date
The starting date-time specified by the user in the statistic date range

When requesting monthly information for January, please specify January 1st, 00:00 as an aggregation start date

Aggregation End Date
The end date-time specified by the user in the query date range

…And January 31st, 23:59 as an aggregation end date

Expected Next Service
The date-time of the next expected prognostic or predictive analysis

The battery on this dispenser should be replaced during the expected next service on June 1st

Error Code

A series of characters that uniquely identifies the reason a machine is defective

  • The overheat error code means that the drive motor needs to be replaced

  • the communication_error means that the dispenser has not been communicating for a week

Device Threshold
A threshold that will trigger a communication event

The dispenser sent a notification when the device threshold for the filling level reached 20%

Battery Health
The health condition of a battery

The battery health indicates that it is reaching its end of life

Battery Level

The percentage of remaining battery capacity

  • At the end of the shift, the battery level was 25%

  • The fixed equipment device battery level is 80%

Battery Level Timestamp
The date-time the battery level was last reported by the machine

The battery level reported was recorded by the machine with a battery level timestamp of 15:30

Battery Remaining Life
The expected or predicted remaining life of the battery in percent before it must be replaced

The battery remaining life is now less than 10% and should be replaced

Signal Strength
The quality of the wireless signal at the device level

The signal strength of this device is barely enough to establish communication

Signal Level

The quality of the wireless signal at the device level measured in number of bars from 0 to 4

  • 0 means no signal

  • 4 means excellent signal

The signal level reported is 3 bars meaning that there is a good connectivity

Wireless Technology

The type of wireless signal used to provide data by the device. It can be:

  • WiFi

  • 2G

  • 3G

  • 4G

  • 5G

  • LTE

  • LTE_m

  • Bluetooth 4.1

  • Bluetooth 4.2

  • Bluetooth 5

  • BLE

  • LORA

  • Wirepas


  • RFID

  • NB IOT

This device has a 4G modem for communication

Signal Strength Threshold
The minimum signal strength considered necessary to guarantee the quality of the data transmission

The signal strength threshold should be at -100dBm to ensure connectivity


Space Name
A human readable description of a space that localizes the space in its physical environment

The Men’s bathroom on the second floor of the office building is the name of the space representing a specific toilet

Part of
The parent space that contains the space being described

The bathroom is part of the the second floor space, which itself is part of the office building space

Composed of
The one or multiple spaces that are contained within the space being described

The second floor space is composed of an entrance space, 5 office spaces, and one bathroom space

Message & Event

A piece of information about an entity (device or space) that is communicated to the information consumer and initiated by the information provider

The bin manufacturer provided a message about the new filling level of the trash can in the entrance of the building

A trigger that changes the state of an entity

The dead battery is the event that triggered the dispenser to stop working

An actionable event that requires external intervention (usually human intervention) to change the state of the entity

The alert informed the janitor to refill the empty soap dispenser

An event that does not require immediate external intervention and that informs about the new state of the entity

The cleaning supervisor is waiting for a notification that the cleaning machine is operational again following a service intervention

Status message
A message about the current state of an Entity

The latest status message about the soap dispenser indicated that it is 75% full

Diagnostic message
A message about a predicted future state of an entity

The diagnostic message indicated that the trash can will be full in two days

Message category
The characterization of a message being provided. It can be one of
  • “alert”

  • “notification”

  • “status”

  • “diagnostic”

The category of this event is an alert

Message code
A language independent and semantically descriptive short string summarizing the meaning of the message or event.

out_of_order is a message code indicating that the device is not operational

Message timestamp
The date and time the trigger for the message happened

The machine became unavailable on June 1st, 2021 at 22:34:10 which triggered an out_of_order alert