
A floor is the level in the building hierarchy where most of the activities happen in the facility, and what makes the facility unique. It is very unusual that a occupied floor is identical to another.

  • A floor belongs to a building

  • A floor is composed of many different types of physical spaces, although all these space types are characterized by some type of vertical boundaries and/or separations. Some commonly found spaces on a floor are:

    • rooms

    • hallways

    • aisles

    • restrooms

    • cubicles FDS compliance requirements Object Model Space object for the building space type

  • The space type in the generic space object must be

    • “floor”

  • The digital twin information provider must provide a space object that contains a space_type_specific object defined in the following diagram

  • When the digital twin information provider provides additional information about the floor, the composed_of property must be an array representing the list of physical space types separating the floor.

  • A floor must be part of a building

    • The part_of property in the space generic object must refer to the building the floor belongs to and must provide the entire chain

      • building -> site

The detailed API specifications for each object can be found in the reference chapter. Web API (Pull Model) Publish/Subscribe (Push model)


No publish/subscribe messages related to digital twin information are defined in FDS Version 2 Use case example Floor space type


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