Other logical space types

Although a digital twin provider mostly describes physical spaces, parts of a facility can also logically grouped. For example, an office building can have multiple tenants occupying parts of the building specified as suites. Or parts of a building can be represented as sections.

  • FDS V2 defines the following logical space types - suite - section

  • These space types are grouped together in FDS V2 because the type defines the function and specificity of the space, and they all have the same properties at the moment.


Other properties specific to a particular type might be defined in future FDS version.


The list of logical space types is limited in FDS V2 and new logical space types will be defined in future FDS version. FDS compliance requirements Object Model Space object for the these space types

  • The space type in the generic space object for suites must be

    • “suite”

  • The space type in the generic space object for sections must be

    • “section”

  • The digital twin information provider must provide a space object that contains a space_type_specific object defined in the following diagram

  • a logical space type must always be part of a larger space

    • For example, a suite can be part of a floor if it is entirely contained on the floor, or part of a building if it occupies multiple floors in the building

  • a logical space type can contain other spaces. In this case, the entire physical space must be part of the logical space.

    • For example, a suite can be composed of a hallway and multiple rooms of a floor.

    • It can also be composed of an entire floor and part of another floor. In that case it would be composed of

      • The floor space type

      • the individual rooms of the other floor

The detailed API specifications for each object can be found in the reference chapter. Web API (Pull Model) Publish/Subscribe (Push model)


No publish/subscribe messages related to digital twin information are defined in FDS Version 2 Use case example Other logical space types


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