3.4. Smart Handle devices

Smart Handle is the IoT smart Device that is used for tracking manual cleaning processes. The Device is attached to the cleaning handle in it’s lower part near the mop frame.

Device features

  • battery powered

  • connected directly to Internet

  • has RFID scanner on board

  • has magnetometer, as well as 9 axis MEMS sensor on board

  • runs smart algorithms for RFID data processing and movement patterns recognition

  • has buzzer and RGB LED to signal to cleaner

Device to Cloud sync

The Device sync to the Cloud with variable pre-configured frequency, from 30 sec to several hours, which depends on many factors, but configurable by the owner.

Device syncs only to the Manufacturer’s Cloud, which means that current Standard users will communicate only to Manufacturer, not to Devices themselves.

During each sync Device first sends to Manufacturer its latest status information and detailed data about usage collected since last sync session. Second, the Device requests pending notifications, commands and configuration updates, if there are any.

3.4.1. Definitions

Common definitions

Common definitions Smart Handle Definitions

Smart Handle
A device with wireless connectivity at the end of which an object or tool is attached that allows it to be grasped and manipulated by hand.

The smart handle is attached to a mop that allows monitoring of floor cleaning activities

Location Space
A Unique ISO UUID specifying the space/location where the handle was last seen

The smart handle is currently located in a room identified by the “b31c62bf-9fe2-4527-90aa-46168e5b5dcb” UUID

Mop Device
A Unique ISO UUID of the device object representing the mop with RFID tag attached to the smart handle.

The mop with the “f5c7289e-2d4d-4b19-a175-76218869e7a1” UUID is currently attached to the smart handle

Frame Side
Represents the frame side that is currently used, 0 or 1 mean one or the other side of the frame.

The mop is attached to the frame side identified by 0

Pattern ID

Current movement pattern of the device

  • idle state

  • mopping floor

  • moving state

The handle is currently in use to mop the floor

Ambient Temperature
Represents the current ambient temperature of the environment measured in degrees Celsius.

The ambient temperature in the room is 24 C

This parameter represents the major and minor version of the firmware installed on the device hardware.

The latest firmware installed is “5.17”

3.4.2. FDS compliance requirements Object Model Specification object for the smart handle device type


The specification object is not being defined for smart handles in FDS Version 2 because all properties are covered in the generic specification object Status object for the smart handle device type

  • The device information provider must provide a status object that contains a device_type_specific object defined in the following diagram

../../_images/smart_handle_status_object_model.png Statistic object for the people counter device type


The statistic object is not being defined for smart handles in FDS Version 2 Diagnostic object for the people counter device type

  • The device information provider must provide a diagnostic object that contains a device_type_specific object defined in the following diagram

../../_images/smart_handle_diagnostic_object_model.png Web API (Pull Model)

  • The device information provider must expose the specifications endpoint to get the list of available devices and their specifications

GET https://{Device Information Provider URL}/fds/v2/specifications
  • The device information provider must expose the statuses endpoint to get the latest status for one or multiple devices

GET https://{Device Information Provider URL}/fds/v2/statuses
  • The device information provider must expose the diagnostics endpoint to get the predictive information for one or multiple devices

GET https://{Device Information Provider URL}/fds/v2/diagnostics


The statistics endpoint to expose aggregation information is not being defined for smart handles in FDS Version 2

A call to:

GET https://{Device Information Provider URL}/fds/v2/statistics

must return an error object

    "status": 204,
    "message": "not_implemented"
  • The device information provider must expose the POST request on the tag endpoint to let a client application create a new tag

POST https://{Entity Information Provider URL}/fds/v2/tag
  • The device information provider must expose the GET request on the tag endpoint to provide the content of a tag

GET https://{Entity Information Provider URL}/fds/v2/tag
  • The device information provider must expose the DELETE request on the tag endpoint

DELETE https://{Entity Information Provider URL}/fds/v2/tag/<tag_id>
  • The device information provider must expose the PUT request on the tag/<tag_id>/entities endpoint

PUT https://{Entity Information Provider URL}/fds/v2/tag/<tag_id>/entities
  • The device information provider must expose the DELETE request on the tag/<tag_id>/entities endpoint

DELETE https://{Entity Information Provider URL}/fds/v2/tag/<tag_id>/entities Events


No events information is being published by smart handle device information providers in FDS Version 2 Publish status information


No status information is being published by smart handle device information providers in FDS Version 2 Publish predictive and prognostic information


No predictive and prognostic information is being published by smart handle device information providers in FDS Version 2